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Hot off the presses! This is an updated version covering Step One Preparation with a focus on the Struggling Learner. It is a nuts and bolts presentation including material on ‘How We Learn.’ Learning theory forms the backdrop and basis for the time-tested strategies presented in the video. After 15 years of tutoring students, I was able to distill the many lessons and common preparatory mistakes into a 30 minute video. I do hope this material will keep you out of mischief! Good Luck!

Although described as a tool for the ‘Struggling Learner’ (or any student performing below their own expectation), the essence of this video describes how to properly engage with content and summarizes the Best Practices for Q-bank Learning.

Step One Preparation and the Struggling Learner

12DaysinMarch has initiated a new (but limited series under development):

Query of the Day

Please note: There are no PDFs AND the questions are currently limited to MSK. Based on feedback, further organ systems will be in development

Tutorial Services are available but on an extremely limited basis. Click on the link below for further information.

Test Taking Skills for the Struggling Learner